

Chapters 1

General Report this can be a lot of type of a generalised report that presents associate outline of however a personal goes to steer his/her life and with what identity. The name of the person, parents, siblings, spouse, children, profession and thus the life ar a locality of this reading. The chapter is selected to summarise future predictions for all the twelve homes at intervals the horoscope of a personal supported the planetary positions at the time of birth as mentioned at intervals the Nadi leaf.

Chapters 2

Pair of Education, Earnings, Assets the small print concerning Native's Education, Wealth and Family Life ar mentioned throughout this chapter. The reading makes special respect to the ability of eye-sight and thus the flexibility to express through speech connected info.

Chapters 3

Siblings The chapter predicts the the quantity of brothers and sisters of the Native and concerning the affiliation and feelings that one may even be associated with once it involves siblings. The negative and positive aspects ar all delineated here.

Chapters 4

Mother Influence, Assets and Fortune it's simple that there is nothing as nice as Mother's influence throughout a child’s life in spite of geographic boundaries. The chapter has info concerning the role and influence of Mother at intervals the lifetime of the Native, the advantages and problems. The kandam is additionally regarding the fabric comforts and achievements of Native, house, vehicles, land and treasure in hand and totally different achievements.

Chapters 5

Children and their Birthnumber of kids, Children and their Birthnumber of kids, with future, Their favour towards you, their education, health, Reason for not having kids, The that by which you'll be blessed by kids, future life sort of kids, Ancestral property.

Chapters 6

Illness, Debt and Enemies The misery of financial hardships, pain from a major medical condition or illness, impdening dangers from enemies and proceeding or court cases; the chapter contains careful info concerning such misfortunes in one’s life and is decoded just for Native and thus the causes, length of suffering is expected and bound remedial measures ar prompt to avoid such mishaps. Positive measures ar explained to comprehend success in those times of bother.

Chapters 7

Married Life the marital status life and information the enjoyment of being a special couple? Here, the information concerning your wedding a bit like the place, amount of wedding on once it'd happen, the compatibility factors, reasons for delay in obtaining married, conflicts with domestic partner ar all careful at intervals the chapter.

Chapters 8

Lifetime Life and death things that are common to every person on this planet. however however will it happen? queries on life , longevity, dangers that will impose overtime ar answered throughout this chapter.

Chapters 9

Father, Worship, Wealth this can be not concerning genes, hereditary traits or DNA. however nevertheless it's concerning inheritance of wealth, property from ancestors and father. the character of non secular inclinations, info concerning temple visits, deeds of charity, luck ar discovered throughout this chapter.

Chapters 10

Business anyone living in today’s fashionable and hyper connected world, calling is of predominant importance. The chapter empowers you with info concerning jobs that you {simply|that you just} simply pursue, businesses that you {simply|that you just} simply establish, and profits that these would bring, and predicts your encounters in profession life.

Chapters 11

Transport Profit, Second wedding it's concerning amendment and it's concerning moving ahead. The queries on benefit of conveyance vehicles ar answered.The goodness of life can generally be understood or completed throughout a heaps of delicate manner through marriage. The chapter contains info and suggestions concerning second wedding

Chapters 12

Expenses, Foreign Visit, Rebirth, Salvation This chapter details the expenditure of cash , the chance of move to a remote nation, and queries on what the future birth holds for you and explains the manner of Salvation or Moksha is earned.

Chapters 13

Santhipariharam typically things may not be in our management and it's hard to grasp whom to look to. The chapter contains the information regarding the sins committed in past or previous birth, and suggests remedial measures for getting eliminate the unwanted effects to determine harmony in life.

Chapters 14

Deekshai Kandam usually singing or Mantra Jepam, recommendation on sporting Raksha or good luck charm to escape the troubles and enemies and avoid the unwell effects ; all such information is contained throughout this chapter

Chapters 15

Available, Kotcharashanthi, Thani Sukshma Shanthi, Thani Sukshma Deekshai Chapter's

Special Chapters

Shanti Kaandam

The information such as seekers’ previous births, the details of general good deeds and ill-deeds done by the seeker in previous births, the details of the since committed in the previous births, the details of the curses invited due to the sins of past births, the procedures to remove such curses, the severances and remedies to rectify past life sins, the individual ways of worshipping, etc.

Dheeksha Kandam

The information such as chanting of specific mantras for a better life, the procedure of chanting such mantras, the initiation of the sacred ash, wearing the raksha sootram (talisman), the guidance on performing poojas, homas, yaagas, havanas etc. for avoidance of the evil eyes, nullifying the acts of enemies and troubles being caused by them, the divine worship, the benefits of such worship, and the details of the consequent advancements by practicing the advice as given therein, etc.

Aushadha Kandam

The information such as the siddha ayurvedic medicines for long-standing diseases, the methods of oral intake of the medicines; details like which medicine to be taken for which illness, the procedures for inducing the medicines, the procedures for preparing the medicines if prescibed, the locations where the medicines or its ingredients may be available, the diet plans for the seekers, etc.

Dasha Bhukti Kandam

The detailed predictions for the running Dasha Bhukti (major-sub) periods in life, the results of Dasha Bhukti and the results during the Dasha Bhukti, the prescribed remedial procedures for a better life during a particular Dasha Bhukti, etc. This Chapter is more astrological and can be understood only by the people who have at least basic knowledge in Indian astrological sciences. It covers only the running major period.

Dasha Bhukti Shanti

Remedies prescribed to minimize the problems being caused by unfavourable major and sub-periods and to increase the benefits, if the major and sub-periods are in his/her favour.

Dasha Bhukti Dheeksha

special mantra japa being performed just to decrease the problems and to increase the benefits as well during the reign period of major and sub-periods.

Jnaana Kandam

The detailed guidance for attaining the Jnaana dealing with the seekers' progress in the spiritual life; the ways of accessing the Jnaana, the Ashtama Siddhis, the ways of attaining liberation, the ways of attaining blessing from the siddhas, the divine grace and the order as well as the duration to obtain the same, etc. The guidance from the Jnaana Kaandam guides the seekers to take the right path in their lives and leads them to obtain absolute spiritual liberation.

Jnaana Shanti

Remedies being prescribed just to annihilate the obstacles, if found in the way of spiritual progress.

Aasi Kaandam

It deals with “blessings” may be obtained from Lord Almighty mainly to involve and indulge in some noble tasks.

Gochara Kandam

Deals with the positions of the planets in the zodiac at the time of perusing the Nadi; its positive and negative influences over the life of the individuals.

Gochara Shanti

Prescribes remedies to subside the problems being caused by the unfavourable positions of the planets in the zodiac at the time of perusing the Nadi.

Gochara Dheeksha

Prescribes special mantra pooja; should be performed just to reduce the problems being caused by the unfavourable positions of the planets in the zodiac at the time of perusing the Nadi.

Raajakeeya Kandam

Also known as the Arasiyal Kaandam in Tamil and ‘political chapter’ in English, this chapter gives details about the favorable and unfavorable periods for the seeker in their political life, the posts anticipated to be occupied by the seeker in politics. Apart from that, it also gives details about the issues that the seekers may face in their political lives; and the ways to solve them positively. It deals with the political involvements of the individuals, if they are destined so.

Raajakeeya Shanti

Suggests remedies to nullify the impediments in the way of political progress.

Aatma Shanti Kandam

suggests remedies to help the soul departed to attain salvation or rebirth, as destined and the ways to reduce the negative impacts over the descendants, if it (the soul departed) roams in the space.

Vicharana Kaandam

It is deals with the soul departed, its present state (roaming in the space/attained salvation/taken rebirth) and its influence (positive/negative) over the lives of the descendents. It is believed, if the departed soul roams in formless form, it may affect the progress of the descendents, their marital lives, getting children etc.

Dulya Kandam

The minute and most precise details regarding when, at what time, what would happen in the seekers’ lives; etc. is seen in the Tulya Chapter.

Seema Kaandam Ellai Chapter

The details about the abstract issues, secrets, hidden meanings in the teachings, the secret instructions so as to gain the grace and wisdom, the contacts with the paranormal, spiritual forces, the constructions and establishments of temples and religious places, etc. are seen in the Sookshma Chapter.

Sookshma Chapter

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